Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Eyes are to Soul as Windows are to...

Another day, another 12 hours devoted to windows. Things are moving along. I'm reading Anatole France in the evenings, though I dont tend to read all that long, as I'm about ready to drop once I finally get to bed. The sun is up and the days are long and that's when I'm up and get things done. Manic manic Davo. Of course going in regularly to quench my thirst with two large glasses of iced tea doesn't make things less manic. Things are on a system, and when one is on a system, things get rolling. Here we have a before and after view. The original color scheme goes less for vertical and more for horizontal, which fits the lines of the whole house--the windows seem lower and melt away; actually looking more modern than when I bought the house, as seen in the picture--the details, such as the mullions, come out at night with the windows lit. In addition, the overall look indicates a much more wild and rustic setting than the 1950-era treeless manicured lawn setting currently seen in the neighborhood. I will perhaps get to that next spring. More plants and less mutant genetically-engineered lawn is good. I might as well roll while the novelty of seeing nice windows lasts. I'll do the remaining casement window in the library tomorrow, then will work on the double sash windows for the remainder of the week. After that, the kitchen windows are next, and they certainly need it. they don't stay open, they don't stay closed. The only thing that makes me happy is when I need them open. At least they're smaller than the others.

Not everything's been a success. Michelle Smith, a friend of mine from Corporate Hell, was kind enough to let me raid her front yard garden for hostas and ferns, but it appears that even the north side of my house is too sunny for any of them. Watering does no good. The almost solstice-strength sun is too much. They looked good for almost a week, but it's a matter of time.

In better news, the neighbor gave me some daylilies, and they appear to be doing quite well in spite of the dry and hot conditions. If only the garden (the dirt farm in front of the lilies) was doing as well. I've watered, I've worried on them, but the lettuces and chard and moonflower won't do a thing. I'll try replanting, perhaps.


Kristen said...

Mulch is your friend. Mulch, mulch, mulch.

Interesting window choice. I probably would have painted them the same color as the trim. Never thought about going dark.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the tried and true orange daylilies. They will grow anywhere under almost any conditions, including any attempts to get rid of them. Enjoy them for they are now yours forever....