Sunday, March 25, 2007

A weekend with little to show for it...

Well, I gave it a try. A halfhearted one, but a try nonetheless. I opened up the first annotated bibliography and the English wasn't English--so much to the point that I closed the folder and opened up a book. I went to the bookstore to see if the Didion was there, but it wasn't. Some Haydn and some Dadaist literature was, though. I worked a bit on the first book review, made a couple of notes while I ate Thai food on the north side of town--I at least got some work done during that time. I got a small draft for one poem and a whole paragraph of a book review. Rah. At least I've been able to read through almost all the Wallace Stevens.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Rebuffed?! My Davo?! Harumph!